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GetEVENT was designed to build Promo videos for a variety of Events and businesses. It is ready for both social isolation and post-pandemic events! It is a system of modules that can be arranged in virtually infinite combinations, delivering the most flexibility along with ease of use. Each module presents specific information with options to custom the design. As for the animation, you have 16 combinations of Build IN and Build OUT animations for each module.


Here you can see a list of modules and some of its uses:

GetEVENT Modules

Main Cover



Animated photo grid with a statement preparing for the logo (like "<Company name> presents"), followed by the main title or logo of the event and its slogan or subtitle (like "the rock meeting point"). The photo grid comes with vertical text fields for you to place some keywords.



  • A dropzone for the event logo instead of using the default text field

  • Gradient overlay options for images and color blocks


Days Cover



Animated photo grid with 3 text fields to show the date of the event. Duration, month and days. The photo grid comes with vertical text fields for you to place some keywords.


  • Gradient overlay options for images and color blocks.




It has text fields for the City (main text field) and a tag for the country.


  • State

  • Flag




Name of speaker, talk title, day and hour. This Speaker1 is different from Speaker2 because it has no image drop zone other than the one in the BG.

Optional: Description/subtitle under the name of the speaker.




The same information present in Speaker1, plus an extra drop zone which can hold a photo of the speaker or an official poster for the talk.
The layout of the texts is different from Speaker1's in order to accommodate the extra drop zone.

Optional: Description/subtitle under the name of the speaker.




This module presents a day. It has three text fields for presenting the date, name of the day in the week and a timespan of the event in this day.

Optional: Description text field. It may be used to say what to expect of this day (ex.: Workshops, Main Conference, Contests)




This module presents the address of the event and the name of the place that will host it. It has three text fields for address, one for the place name and another for a phrase like "meet us at" or anything related, which is optional.

Optional: First line, above the name of the place, and all the address lines.




This module presents three lines of text to be used with a variety of purposes. It originally intended, though, to describe features of the event. In many aspects this module is like the "Statement" module. Both have a broad use-case and generic text fields. But the "Feature" animation is less dramatic than the ones of "Statement". Also, its texts have alignment options.

Optional: Third line of text.




This module presents three lines of text to be used with a variety of purposes. It originally intended, though, to be statements of big impact or sub-covers of the video, like titles presenting different sections. In many aspects this module is like the "Feature" module. Both have a broad use-case and generic text fields. But the "Statement" animation is more dramatic than the ones of "Feature". Also, its texts doesn't have alignment options.

Optional: first and third lines of text.




This module is to quote someone.

Optional: Description text field under the name of the person quoted.




This module shows the price with two optional text fields around the main price text field.

Optional: two text fields around price.

Location Detail



This module is for the details about the event place. It has one big image, a name and an optional description text field. The image can show a map, or photos of specific rooms or sections and provide info about them. It can go as far as to present the teams of an e-sport competition, as an example.

Optional: Description text field under the name.

Location list



This module presents a list (from 2 to 4 items) of places of an event, if this is the case. For example, if the event has one main arena, one hotel, a beach and a secondary building, they can be listed here.

Optional: The title of the list and one subtext for every item under its name.




This module is designed to present impactful and quick keywords sequentially with images. Any number of keywords are achievable with the stacking design, that will be explained further below. It is flexible enough to show from one to 16 keywords with stacking, while maintaining a continuous zoom OUT animation or no zoom at all. It has its own Build IN and Build OUT options, because it is made to be stretchable, so that it can be retimed to match any video.

Optional: zoom out, outline effect, number of keywords shown per module.

Keywords and tag



See the Keywords module. It's the same thing, but with an additional tag to accomodate any text. This tag is not optional in this module and it doesn't change as the keywords come and go. It is a constant text, only being influenced by the zoom animation, if activated.

Optional: zoom out, outline effect, number of keywords shown per module.

Logo List



This module presents a list (from 2 to 4 items) of partners, hosters or sponsors of an event. Each item has a dropzone for a logo with stylization options, and up to two text fields.

Optional: The title of the list and one subtext for every item under its name.




A module for a logo presentation with some animation and color options. It has a logo drop zone, an optional text under the logo and a configurable BG which can be presented in solid color, gradient or image with or without tint.

Optional: a text field below the logo. Image on the BG.




This module shows a url website address within a search bar that can be stylized. The button can hold any text you feel fits more with your call to action. But if you want a more complete call-to-action, this template has it! You can activate a CTA text to appear before the url.

Optional: A call-to-action screen before the URL screen and a cursor-clicking-the-button animation.




This is a Title module, so that it can be placed over any other clip in your edit. It provides some basic but highly effective options for the footer.

Optional: shadowing to enhance the text in the footer.

Logo Badge



This is a Title module, so that it can be placed over any other clip in your edit. It provides some basic but highly effective options for when you want to include a logo badge signature in the corner of your video.

Optional: shadowing or colored BG to enhance the logo in the corners.


The modular system

You can build a variety of videos with the modular system, which allows for a virtual infinity of arrangements and combinations. Each module has between 2s and 4s and are divided in the following categories:

  • The Standard modules

  • The Cover modules

  • The Keyword modules

  • The Title modules

  • The Logo module

The Standard modules

Here you have a list of the standard modules:

  • City

  • Speaker 1

  • Speaker 2

  • Day

  • Place

  • Feature

  • Statement

  • Quotation

  • Price

  • Location Detail

  • Location List

  • Logo List

  • URL


The main feature of these modules are the transition mechanisms with 4 animation options.

Arranging the modules

For the transitions to happen seamlessly, you have to enable fading. But before this, and for the fading to work, the modules are to be stacked one over or below the other with only 10 frames in common in the end or beginning, where the fading is going to happen. 


The image below illustrates how to place the modules:



You can place one module, then the second module in your timeline over the first and close to its end. Then place the third below and close to the end of the second. Next module goes over, next, below, ever alternating over and below until the end of the video.


Ensure the modules involved in a transition with fade have 10 frames in common.

Configure the Fades

For the transitions to be seamless, you can set a fade to happen where two modules intersect in time. Just make sure the module that is above has the correct fade enabled (fade in and/or fade out) so that it can reveal the layer below it. And disable the respective fade (fade in and/or fade out) for the module that is under.

Ensure 10 frames

To ensure the 10 frames of the fade transition, you can:

  1. Enable snapping and place the cursor at the beginning or end of any clipe. 

  2. Then, move it with the keyboard arrows 10 times to the inside of the clip. 

  3. Place the next module aligned to the cursor. 

  4. Repeat this process for every placement, unless you want a straight cut.

Set the same animation options

For each transition, make sure both modules have the same animation variant (see animation variants).

Simplify cuts

You can disable the fades for a straight cut. Where the fades are disabled, the rule of 10 frames in common can be broken. So you can just place the modules side by side when you feel they look better without fades.

Disable Transitions

After disabling the fading, you still have the transition animations. To completely remove the transitions, disable Build IN and/or Build OUT by clicking on its respective checkboxes. 

Remove Animations

Alternatively, you can remove just parts of the animation like the background's movement or the content movements. For this, use the Build IN Disables and/or Build OUT Disables pop-up menus.

Animation variants

To make it easier to use and to learn and still offer powerful animation options, we defined 4 animation variants for every module transition. This way, the options are the same for every module. It's easy to learn!


There are 4 variations for Build IN and 4 variations for Build OUT in each module. They're:

  • Float

  • Land

  • Zoom IN

  • Zoom OUT


Each module will have these animation movements adapted to its design, as you can see here:

<show some gif/video of how three different modules are animated for every option>


In the same module, you can set a different animation for Build IN and Build OUT. But for each transition, it will look best if they are the same in each module involved in the transition.

Stretching modules

The standard modules have optional Build IN and Build OUT. These are the animated sections of the clip and will not change if the clip is shrunk or stretched. So no animation in these modules can be retimed.


By default, the modules come with one frame between the Build IN and Build OUT that will be shrunk or stretched with the clip. This space in between has no animation. So when you change the duration of the clip, it will only change the duration of this moment of stillness. 


The modules come in their minimal duration. If you try to compress them more, you'll start to miss some parts of the animation. But you can make them larger without losing the animation.

Color Options

All templates let you change the color palette of the template quickly, without having to change each element's colors. Our templates come based on color themes that are based on three to four colors that can be set under the COLOR OPTIONS header.


They are named:

  • Light Color: when BG (background) uses this color, we suggest to use Dark Color for FG (foreground), and vice-versa.

  • Dark Color: when BG (background) uses this color, we suggest to use Light Color for FG (foreground), and vice-versa.

  • Special Color: for embellishing, details or special designs, like when you don't want to use our Light-Dark color contrast suggestion.

Color schemes

You have a three color scheme by default.

To have less than three colors in the color scheme, set two or more colors to be the same.

To have more than three colors, you'll have to add colors manually to at least one item. 


When "Special Color is Gradient" is activated, a gradient can be generated grading from "Special Color" to the color set on the "2nd Color For Gradient" slot.


This gradient will be applied only to the BG. The texts will still use the original Special Color from above the "Special Color is Gradient" checkbox.


Below the "2nd Color For Gradient" color slot you'll find controls for the gradient's position and shape.

Individual Color controls

Each item/object in the template has two color controls:

<Item> Color (pop-up menu)

Choose one of the three theme colors or a custom color for this object

Custom Color (color slot)

Sets the custom color that will be used when <Item> Color pop-up menu is set to "Custom".

Background Options

The Background Options can be found under the "Background Style" section.

You can only choose a color from the color theme for the background. There's no custom color for it. Here's why: the background color is the most present, so it should be never an exception in the theme, but part of the rule. If you want to change it, change the rule, it is, the theme colors! Now for smaller things in the foreground there can be exceptions, it is, custom colors.


This color restriction comes with a bonus: you can see the gradient you've set in the color menu can be used only in the Background.

Image options

You can add an Image to blend over the Background colors. First you have to enable it in the "Use Image" checkbox.


Then you can use the drop zone to choose the image and go down each parameter to adjust it.

The Image Grid (Image + mirrored clones)

Check the first and last frames of each animated module to notice that the BG image is mirrored in all its sides and corners. Try the zoom in or zoom out animation variants to see them all at once. The mirrored clones exist to hide the borders of the image during animation.


We call "Image Grid" the union of the original Image and its mirrored clones. While the original image we call it just "Image". 

BG Position

Controls the planar (x, y) position of the Image. The pixels move inside the borders of the drop zone. It doesn't move the Image Grid itself.

Fix Cropping (Scale)

Controls the scale of the Image. The pixels move inside the borders of the drop zone, but the drop zone itself remains the same size. This is different from Scale.


Controls the scale of the Image Grid. The borders expand or get smaller. Here you can reveal the image clones or hide them even more.


Controls the rotation of the Image Grid.


The Image Grid is over the background colors. This setting controls the Image Grid opacity. In other words, how much it will reveal the background color beneath it.

BG Blend Mode

The Image Grid is over the background colors. This setting lets you choose how to blend the Image Grid with the background color beneath it.


Use the "Normal" option and set the opacity parameter to 100% to show only the Image Grid with its original colors and nothing from the background color beneath it.


This sets the Image Grid to be grayscale. If the BG Blend Mode is different from "Normal" and the BG Color is not neutral, the BG will look monochromatic following the hue(s) of the background colors.

Blur options (extra) 

Some standard templates will offer two extra options to control the blur amount and blur animation of the background. The templates that come with this feature are:

  • Location List

  • Logo List

The Cover modules

There are two Cover modules:

  • Main Cover

  • Days Cover


Their icons are a big C or D letter.

Animation options

The cover modules don't come with 4 animation options. Their animation is zoom out for the Build IN and zoom in for the build out. You can still toggle on/off Build IN, Build OUT, Fade IN and Fade OUT.

Arranging the modules

For the transitions to happen seamlessly, you have to enable fading. Then, arrange the Cover modules below or over the other modules just as you would arrange the standard modules, respecting the 10 frame rule.

Color Options

All Cover templates let you change the color palette of the template quickly, without having to change each element's colors. Our templates come based on color themes that are based on four colors that can be set under the COLOR OPTIONS header.


They are named:

  • BG Tint: A solid color to be blended over the background and behind the foreground texts. This color's intensity is controlled by the BG Tint Influence parameter.

  • Special Color 1: One half the rectangles in the BG use this color.

  • Special Color 2: Other Half the rectangles in the BG use this color.

  • Grid Gaps Color: The color behind the background grid. Can be seen in the lines separating the rectangles.

Color schemes

You have a four color scheme by default.


To have less than four colors in the color scheme, set two or more colors to be the same.


To have more than four colors, you'll have to add colors manually to at least one item in the foreground, or use the various overlay options to modify the colors in the background (like BG Tint Influence and Gradient Overlays).


Individual Color controls

Each item/object in the template has two color controls:

<Item> Color (pop-up menu)

Choose one from three theme colors option, or a custom color for this object.
For the Main title element, you have additionally the option to use the original color. It will be useful if you use an Image instead of a text or this element, and want the original colors of the image.

Custom Color (color slot)

Sets the custom color that will be used when <Item> Color pop-up menu is set to "Custom".

Background Options

The Background Options can be found under the "KEYWORDS", "Background Style" and "BG Images" sections.

BG Tint Influence

The Cover modules come with a BG Tint color layer that paints the background in a way a little more refined than a solid color fill would. It is not a plain solid color because the borders are a little more transparent than the center. This helps to create a more uniform background in the center for the foreground content to be readable, while letting the background details to be seen in the borders.


The backgrounds of the Cover modules have so many elements that they have two separate gradient settings.


Their options are the same, but one affects the colored rectangles holding keywords and the other affects the rectangles containing images. One is in the section KEYWORDS and the other is under BG IMAGES.


Here are the options for both:

Gradient Overlay

Choose the level of influence (opacity) of the gradient overlay from 0 to 100.

Gradient Hue

Here you can change the colors of the gradient rotating the hue control.

The Keyword modules

These modules can show an infinite number of keywords appearing consecutively at any velocity. All with the same background or each keyword with its own background.


The keyword modules are:

  • Keywords

  • Keywords and Tag.

Configuring Keywords

You can access and edit all keywords and its backgrounds' controls under the KEYWORDS section.

General settings

These settings affect all keywords.


Number of Keywords let you decide how many keywords will be shown consecutively within the module. You can have up to 4 keywords in a module. To have more keywords, see how to stack keyword modules.


Changing the number of keywords will change how long each keyword will last on the screen. To keep the previous duration of each keyword after changing this parameter, please adjust the length of the clip.


Text Y Position Offset and Text Scale controls the main transform parameters of all keywords.


Text Outline Width let you change the width of the outline for all the texts. All texts share the same outline width and there's no individual text controls for it.

Individual settings

You can change for each keyword the text, font, size, position, color of the text and toggle on/off the outlined text style.


<show different styles of keywords with the same BG side by side>

Configuring Backgrounds

General settings

You can find options that will affect all backgrounds under the "BACKGROUND STYLE" section.


This pop-up menu let you choose which images each keyword will or not have behind it:

  • Use All images: each keyword will show its own background image (see how to configure them individually);

  • 1st Image Only: all keywords will show the same image, the image of BG 1, which can be set under "KEYWORD 1".

  • Disable Images: no image will be shown in the module, only the BG color.


This pop-up menu let you choose which color each keyword's background will have:

  • Use All Colors: Each keyword's BG (background) will use its own color configuration (see how to configure them individually);

  • 1st Color Only: All keyword's backgrounds will use the individual color set for the background of the first keyword.


Sets all keyword's background images to be grayscale. Each image is over a background color. Being so, you can configure different blend modes and opacities for each keyword's background image, so that this grayscale effect may act more like a monochromatic effect. This is only achieved by using the Individual settings.

Individual settings

Under each keyword list of parameters, you have its background section of individual settings, called "BG <number of the keyword>", like "BG 1", "BG 2", etc. Here you can control each background color, image, image transformations and blending options.

Arranging keyword modules

Keyword modules are meant to be placed side-by-side. If you have a keyword module after a standard module, you'll have to place the keyword module touching the side of the standard module. They're made for the hard cut. This is why they don't have the fade out option.

Creating keyword stacks

For each keyword module you can choose the amount of keywords displayed, up to 4. But you can have more than 4 keywords if you stack keyword modules.

For this, create a row of keyword modules placed side-by-side.

You can have any number of keyword modules showing different amounts of keywords per module in the row. For example, if you have 4 modules side-by-side, you can have from 4 to 16 keywords in total, depending on the combination.

Animation Options

Keyword modules don't have optional Build IN and Build OUT. Their animations are attached to the whole length of the clip. So the animation will be stretched with the clip if you stretch it. So you can retime the animation manually.

Configuring the zoom through the stack

You can keep the zoom animation continuing through the modules in the keyword stack.

You'll have to set the Zoom OUT pop-up menu to each module following this order:


  1. 1st module in the stack - The Zoom OUT is set to "1st module (Build IN)". The zoom out animation here starts fast and suddenly slows down, without finishing.

  2. 2nd module in the stack - The Zoom OUT is set to "2nd module (Constant Zoom)". It is zooming out at a constant rate from where the first module left.

  3. 3rd module in the stack - The Zoom OUT is set to "3rd module (Ease OUT)". It is still zooming out from where the second module left, but easing out the zoom movement. At the last frame of this animation profile, the zoom animation stops.

  4. 4th module in the stack (and all keyword modules after it) - The Zoom OUT is set to "4th module (No Zoom OUT)". This is equivalent to no zoom in the animation. 


Following this order, the zoom amounts between modules are matched and blend perfectly until the zoom is finished.


The last module in the stack can have the "Enable Zoom IN Build OUT" checkbox activated for a good transition out.


If you use only one module, therefore no stacking, set Zoom OUT to "1st module (Build IN)" and turn on "Enable Zoom IN Build OUT" to have both Build IN and Build OUT using the zoom animation, just like the cover modules. 


You can remove all zoom animations from all modules in the stack setting their Zoom OUT pop-up to "4th module (No Zoom OUT)".

Stretching keyword modules

You can retime any clip of a keyword module by changing its length.


When you have multiple keyword modules in a stack, and they don't have the same number of keywords per module, the keywords will spend different times on the screen. To make all keywords have the same duration, stretch or squish some keyword clips to retime it.

Notice that by doing so, if you use zoom animation in this stack, the different lengths will make the zoom animation look not consistent, but it can pass unnoticed using smaller length variations.

The Title modules

There are two Title modules:

  • Footer

  • Logo Badge


They're to be placed over other footage. You can stretch them to last for the whole video or through a selection of modules.


Just like the cover modules, they have both Build IN and Build OUT optional. But different from Covers, they can be shortened from their default length without losing parts of the animation. You'll have to watch the limits of the animation, though.

Animation options


See Footer for more information. This module has the following Animation options:

Letters Appearence

Defines the order of appearance of each letter. If they'll appear randomly like a flicker or consecutively, like a typewriter.

Letters Movement

Defines if the letters will appear moving or not and in which direction (upwards or downwards).


Logo Badge

See Logo Badge for more information. This module has the following Animation options:

Logo Animation

Choose from two options: Scale and Rotate or a simple Fade.

Shadowing options

It can be hard to read the content of the title modules over some footage. For this, we added shadowing options, which are optional, and act like a color layer separating the title and the footage beneath it. It is usually like a shadow, but in the logo Badge can also act like a solid color shape.


Shadowing Type

In the Footer, you can have a shadow covering all the top or bottom of the video, where the footer/header is positioned. Or the shadow can be limited to the area where the text is. It is defined in this parameter.

Then, you can change the color, blending mode, opacity and scale of the shadowing.

Logo Badge

This Title module has only one shadowing type that can be modified to look either like a solid triangle in the corner of the video or a diffuse shadow under the logo. You can change this look only by playing with the parameters "Feathering" and "Shadowing size".

The Logo module

You can retime the logo module by changing its length.


Its animation is not separated in the Build IN and Build OUT sections that can be disabled, like the Standard Modules. The animations are not grouped this way. Instead, we exposed more animation parameters so that you can have a finer control of how your logo will be shown. The animation is stretchable with the clip, and more of it can be toggled on/off.

For example, the logo animation can have a move, a flip, and a zoom animation, but you can enable any combination of these options. Besides that, you can enable animation for the background and an optional subtext with more options for each.


The animation options are a lot more than the other modules, so that you may have the exact look you want to present any logo.

Color Options

The Logo module has the same color options as the Standard modules.
Look here to see the:

  • Standard module's color options

  • Setting up a gradient

  • Individual color controls

Background Options

The Background Options can be found under the "Background Style" section.

You can only choose a color from the color theme for the background. There's no custom color for it. Here's why: the background color is the most present, so it should be never an exception in the theme, but part of the rule. If you want to change it, change the rule, it is, the theme colors! Now for smaller things in the foreground there can be exceptions, it is, custom colors.


This color restriction comes with a bonus: you can see the gradient you've set in the color menu can be used only in the Background.

Image options

You can add an Image to blend over the Background colors. First you have to enable it in the "Use Image" checkbox.


Then you can use the drop zone to choose the image and go down each parameter to adjust it.

BG Position

Controls the planar (x, y) position of the Image.

Fix Cropping (Scale)

Controls the scale of the Image. The pixels move inside the borders of the drop zone, but the drop zone itself remains the same size. This is different from Scale.


Controls the scale of the Drop zone.


Controls the rotation of the Drop zone.


The Image is over the background colors. This setting controls the Image opacity. In other words, how much it will reveal the background color beneath it.

BG Blend Mode

The Image is over the background colors. This setting lets you choose how to blend the Image with the background color beneath it.


Use the "Normal" option and set the opacity parameter to 100% to show only the Image with its original colors and nothing from the background color beneath it.


This sets the Image to be grayscale. If the BG Blend Mode is different from "Normal" and the BG Color is not neutral, the BG will look monochromatic following the hue(s) of the background colors.

©2018 by Polaric. 

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